
Complaints and Reporting

  • allows for the reporting of any and all material hosted on this domain please use the reporting flag located under every video and gallery page on this website. You can also reach out to our support staff using our contact page and provide url and concerns in the provided text box.
  • You do not have to be a member to report a piece of content. All reported complaints will be reviewed and resolved within 7 business of the email being sent to us. If a complaint is logged with CCBill or other billing provider the complaint will be reviewed and resolved within 7 business days of notification from CCBill or other billing company.
  • All complaints will be reviewed by a Max-Hardcore staff member and if necessary legal staff. If a violation has been found we will promptly edit and take down the content immediately upon completion of the review. A email will be sent out to notify the party, that made the complaint, of the action taken.
  • If it has been determined that no violation exists. A notice will be sent to the party, that made the complaint, of the action taken If receives multiple complaints or reports of the same piece of content. Max-Hardcore staff will immediately remove the content and review it. If a violation exists, the content will be edited or removed. If no violation exists the content will remain. In both cases a notification will be sent to all parties that submitted the complaint, of the action taken or an announcement will be made publicly on Stating the conclusion Staff came to and describing the action taken. will determine the proper location on the website for this announcement.
  • If the reporting party/parties, does not agree with the action taken. The reporting parties can reply to the same email thread or created a new report using the forementioned methods. management will review the appeal and contact our billing company and any other legal entities about the matter. If requested a neutral party will be contacted to help resolved the matter.  However, CCBill and other payment processors that are involved should suffice as a neutral arbiter.  And will be contacted for refunds or special actions that need to be taken.  The conclusion found with any of the forementioned outside/nuetral arbotors will be shared with the complaining party and the decision will be final.
  • If Staff identifies abuse of this  system.  Max Media LLC reserves the right to block, remove, ban, and peruse appropriate legal action, if necessary.  All abuse will be forwarded to our payment processors and other entities.


  • If you have been depicted in any content and would like to appeal removal of such content, please notify us by sending and email with url and time stamp to staff @ If available, please included stage name other aliases, legal name and reason for removal.
  • If there should be any disagreement regaurding an appeal, we will request the disagreement be resolved through a neutral party.